We recently discussed MPs showing their support for vaping in the workplace, and the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Vaping (APPGV) have outlined their view that Parliament should become an e-cigarette friendly working environment to encourage this kind of change in other workplaces and businesses.

Support for e-cigarettes in the workplace is growing, and this could mean great things for vaping and the public’s health.

A cloudy white background with the title: How does vapour affect air quality?

How Does Vapour Affect Air Quality?

One of the concerns that has prevented the use of e-cigarettes being widely allowed in workplaces and public areas was how it affected the air quality for non-smokers/vapers who may also be occupying the same space.

A 2018 study conducted by Kaunas University of Technology in Lithuania in collaboration with the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, ETH Zurich, and Fontem Ventures has found that there is no measurable affect to the air quality in a room when e-cigarette vapour is introduced.

The reason that vapour does negatively affect the air quality is that, unlike cigarette smoke which contains harmful chemicals and can linger in the air for up to 45 minutes, e-cigarette vapour, from e-liquids, does not contain the harmful chemicals and dissipates within seconds of being exhaled.

A stethoscope on a pale blue table with the title: Could vape friendly workplaces have positive effects on public health?

How Could Vape Friendly Workplaces Have a Positive Effect on Public Health?

Being able to vape indoors, either at the desk or in specially designated ‘vaping areas’ could be the push that some people need to consider making the switch from smoking to vaping. This switch could then help improve their health and prevent future fatal diseases that continued smoking could have caused.

The more people that make the switch to a healthier alternative such as an e-cigarette or other NRTs (nicotine replacement therapy), the less likely these people are to develop smoking related illness in the future, which could lessen the burden on our National Health Service greatly.

If you would like to read more about the e-cigarette friendly workplace movement, take a look at our blog posts ‘Reports Suggest Vapers Shouldn’t Have to Use the Smoking Area’ and ‘MPs Want the Workplace Vape Friendly’.

If you are interested in making the switch from smoking to vaping, pop in to your local Evapo store and speak to a team member about your options. You can also shop our full range on our online vape store.


